Ferrara, the pit stop we didn't know we needed but could never forget! We were making great time on our journey to Venice when Stephanie asked our group if we had any interest in stopping to have lunch outside a CASTLE...

After adding more gelato to our tasting tour and trying the dish the town is famous for, we were able to explore the precious little town along with the CASTLE. Of all the places we visited, I believe this is the only place where we were the only tourists. It truly felt like we were dropped into a quaint Italian town with no english version of a menu or souvenir shop in sight. We absolutely loved it and felt honored to be there.

Cappellacci de Zucca, Pumpkin Ravioli!

This is a real life moat around a real life CASTLE.

Henry and a new friend playing around with an old cannon outside the CASTLE...

Guys, we're in Italy on a lunch break casually exploring a CASTLE.

Rooftop views from the....say it with me...CASTLE!

On our way to the top of the castle, about mid level, was an impressive and surprising orangery. The air smelled incredible and we laughed when we noticed that every single pot was sporting chicken feet. I wish I had more information for you on that one but the least I can do is supply photographic evidence. Please enjoy.

Friends, (I feel we're friends at this point, don't you?)
To the left you can see the vest of my dreams. The perfect souvenir that I could wear for the rest of my life to remind me of my carefree, gelato filled days in Italy, and eventually pass down to my children. I regret to inform you that this vest is still in Ferrara as far as I know. When having trouble deciding between this beauty and a second option, Henry recommended we eat lunch while I think about it and decide. After lunch with a decision made and excitement building, we quickly walked to the farmer's market that we had browsed earlier that day only to find that everyone there had also packed up and gone to lunch. Do not mourn for me, just heed my wisdom from experience and BUY THE VEST! NOW!! Alright, andiamo.